How to get a residencepermit in Austria?

How to get a residence permit in Austria when buying real estate - the procedure, how the transaction, how much it costs. Features of obtaining a document for foreign investors.

March 23, 2019

Austria, one of the most comfortable countries for living in Europe, offers several ways to get a residence permit. Let's spill the beans about the advantages of the Austrian residence permit.

Austria - a country of lakes, parks and ski resorts

Austria has picturesque natural landscapes. The country is divided into several federal lands with unique nature, culture, and attractions. The capital of Austria Vienna is a comfortable city with historical monuments and modern architecture. Austria is located in Central Europe, the flight from Moscow and St. Petersburg takes only 2.5 hours. From London and Paris, you need only 2 hours.

Immigration to Austria: tangible benefits

Besides a high standard of living, medicine, education, and culture, Austria offers excellent conditions for professional development and business. A residence permit in Austria gives the right to live in the country 365 days a year and receive high-paid contracts in major companies. Also, a residence permit in Austria is the first step to get permanent residence, and then Austrian citizenship.

What gives a residence permit in Austria:

  • European standard of living for you and your family
  • Advanced medicine
  • Quality education
  • Visa-free entry to Schengen countries
  • Good ecology and clean air
  • First-class urban and transport infrastructure
  • Capital Preservation

Residence permit in Austria: conditions and terms

If you plan to stay in the Republic of Austria for a long time, you should pay attention to getting a residence permit in Austria.There are several types of residence permits in Austria - with and without the right to work. Pensioners and financially independent persons apply for such a residence permit. The working residence permits in Austria vary depending on the conditions and qualifications of the employee.

Also in Austria, there are the following programs for getting a residence permit:

  • Residence permit for self-employed
  • Residence permit for family reunification
  • Residence permit for business travelers
  • Residence permit for volunteers
  • Residence permit for researchers
  • Residence permit for shift labor
  • Residence permit for students
  • Residence permit for schoolchildren
  • Residence permit for artists

Usually, an Austrian residence permit can be obtained for a year with the possibility of extension for a similar period. After the second year - three more. It is important to stay in the country for at least 183 days a year. After five years of residence, a residence permit for several years is issued.

To obtain a residence permit in Austria, there are many conditions. Among them:

  • Confirmation of financial solvency
  • Bank statement at an Austrian or another internationally recognized bank
  • Medical availability
  • Insurance policy is required for each family member
  • Place confirmation
  • Living in Austria
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership
  • Certificate of absence
  • Сriminal record (None of the family should pose a danger to the country or disrupt public order)
  • The presence of a certified notary of a package of documents Standard package of documents for a residence permit in Austria
  • Basic German
  • Language Certificate A1 (elementary level of language proficiency)
  • Real estate in Austria

Acquisition of real estate in Austria

Buying real estate in the country does not give a guaranteed right to get a residence permit in Austria. Luxury real estate in Austria can be a great investment."As a rule, real estate in Austria is sold to foreigners according to this scheme: apartments can be bought in Vienna or other cities not only for the living but also as an investment. After purchase, they can immediately be leased through management companies. The yield on such real estate is 3% per annum, "market experts say.By the way, a residence permit in the Republic of Austria can also be obtained by financially independent persons. Issuing this residence permit is regulated by the number of quotas.

Among the conditions for registration of this type of residence permit:

  1. Statement from a personal account in an Austrian or another bank with confirmation of a sufficient amount of funds (separately for adults and children)
  2. Availability of health insurance for the whole family
  3. Real estate in Austria
  4. Basic knowledge of the German language (optional for children under 14 years old)

Luxury Immobilien - a reliable partner for getting a residence permit in Austria Secondary Market

At first glance, the process of choosing and gaining real estate in Austria does not seem simple. At the same time, you will see that everything is regulated in this country. And this allows you to arrange a residence permit and the purchase of a real estate in the shortest time.

The Luxury Immobilien company is engaged in the selection of real estate in Vienna, lending to private property and investment projects. It also helps with issuing a residence permit in Austria to citizens of other states. Contact Luxury Immobilien consultants for advice on buying a property, and questions regarding getting a residence permit in Austria.

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