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The klimaticket goes digital

Starting November 27th, you can display your Klimaticket in digital format via the ÖBB, WESTbahn and Wiener Linien apps.

December 7, 2023

Starting on the 27th of November, those who use the ÖBB, WESTbahn and Wiener Linien applications can show their Klimaticket digitally. All you have to do is update the apps and fill out the Klimaticket data – your phone number, name and postal code – for verification.

If you want to buy a new Klimaticket, you still have to go to a service centre with a photo ID. Holders of the ticket are required to have photo identification on them at all times so ticket controllers can check the validity of the ticket.

The price of the Klimaticket for adults is EUR 1,095 per annum. For those who are under 25, over 65 or with a recognised disability, the annual cost is EUR 821. At the same time, those on national service, service personnel and select civil servants are granted eligibility for a free KlimaTicket.

Recently, the government announced that Austrian youth can receive one free Klimaticket on their 18th birthday. They will have 3 years to claim the tickets. The regulation will become effective in 2024.

As of Q4 2023, more than 262,000 Austrians have a Klimaticket. As revealed by government statistics, the majority of holders are based in the capital, with the areas of Upper and Lower Austria having the second and third highest usage rates of the Klimaticket.

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