The rental calculator is back on in Vienna. According to the data, the location surcharge in the first district is EUR 16.
The rental calculator of Vienna successfully operated for 10 years. It provided tenants in old buildings the opportunity to check if they were overpaying for their property. However, it went offline 1 year ago for no apparent reason, along with the location surcharge calculator. Now it is back on again and you can check the up-to-date location surcharge across different parts of the city.
For instance, in the first district, the charge is EUR 16.02, which is 2.5 times the current guideline value in Vienna (EUR 6.67). Around the first district, the location surcharge is also quite costly. To the west of the city centre near the Ring, in Lange Gasse in the eighth district, the charge amounts to EUR 6.78, for instance.
Previously, the location surcharges were illustrated on a designated map, but it is not available now. The map additionally listed the basic cost shares used to calculate the respective location surcharge based on current property prices.
On the last map published in 2019, a basic cost share of approximately EUR 4,000 per sq. m. of usable area was determined for inhabitants of the city centre. Following the formula from the Tenancy Law, a location surcharge of EUR 12.21 was calculated. With the new location surcharge of EUR 16.02, the basic cost share for Vienna constitutes slightly less than EUR 5,200 at the moment.
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